Roof Solar Panel Install
Genco HQ
In order to keep on track with our sustainability pledge, Genco are continuing to move forward with environmental improvements to the business.
Our latest project was to add solar to the roof here at HQ in order to run our 460 sqm offices
The Challenge:
With a fully operational business, the work needed to be completed within a week to ensure there was minimal disruption to staff members.
Due to the size of the carpark, the telehandler and scaffolding also had to be maneuvered and organised off the main road with notice for staff to find alternative parking.
The Solution:
We opted to fit Trina Solar 425 watt modules on our 35 degrees off South roof, using Clenergy PV-ezRack Solar Roof Pro mounting equipment and Solax Inverter technology.
All panels are monitored via the Solax Cloud which is easily accessed via the app, additionally all Information is relayed to a remote screen in our Reception area, further highlighting our commitment to a greener future.
Genco installed high performing remote monitored 33.15 kWp solar panels, made to last 25+ years in under a week.
The panels will ultimately reduce our costs by around £4,500 in the first year with annual CO2 savings of 5631 kg.
This is equivalent to a car journey of 20,111 miles or CO2 being absorbed by 258 trees.
All in all a fantastic job from our Solar manager and his team and a brilliant sustainable step forward for Genco.

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